Dr. 丹尼尔Wesche

在Landmark,我们相信每个学生都可以而且应该准备好为耶稣基督影响世界. A student prepared for impact is one who has a deepening relationship with Christ, is growing in one’s ability to lead oneself and others, 是谁在发现, 发展中, and stewarding one’s God-given gifts and talents. 在具有里程碑意义的, 我们有机会培养学生在大学预科教育的背景下影响世界,并与基督教家庭建立契约伙伴关系.


Every student prepared to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

Our vision at Landmark Christian School is clear; Every student prepared to impact the world for Jesus Christ. We strive to be a Christian school in essence – that Christ is a part of all we do. A Landmark education transforms the heart as well as the mind. The impact of Landmark on a student can be life-defining; and our students, 反过来, 毕业后准备好影响他人.


具有里程碑意义的基督教学校合作伙伴与基督教家庭装备大学生拥抱基督为中心的世界观, grow as servant leaders and steward God’s unique purpose for their lives.

Landmark serves Christian families through vital partnership. 在学年期间, 学生的大部分时间要么在学校,要么参加与学校有关的活动. Landmark helps families steward this time well with mentors, 老师, 以及支持而不是破坏家庭为孩子奠定的基督教价值观基础的教练.

A Landmark education prepares students for success at the collegiate level, 一个强有力的大学指导项目可以帮助家庭确定最适合每个学生的大学. Each year, 100% of our seniors are accepted to a college program. With opportunity for 26 dual enrollment credits, 100%的学生都考上了大学, and 11 million of scholarship dollars above and beyond HOPE and Zell Miller, Landmark graduates are well equipped for the next step of their journey.

在Landmark,我们都是关于耶稣的. 教育从来不是中立的, 我们坚定地致力于帮助我们的学生加深与基督的关系. Our robust 基督徒的生活 program includes daily Culture and Worldview classes, 每周的教堂, 服务的机会, 任务之旅, 和撤退. 然而, our identity as a Christ-centered community permeates every aspect of school life, 从学者, 艺术, 对于运动.

具有里程碑意义的学生通过国家认可的领导力课程,为领导自己和他人做好了独特的准备. While many schools offer student government roles and some community service, 通过我们的领导力学院课程,具有里程碑意义的学生磨练了在现实世界中成功领导所必需的真正技能. 从课堂到充满挑战的探险,如洞穴探险或激流漂流,再到现实世界的领导责任, Landmark students are challenged and equipped to grow as servant leaders.

God designed each student purposefully to impact the world for Jesus Christ. 无论是通过优秀的学术, 我们独特的学院路径之一, 个性化的顶点项目, 冠军运动员, 或者是获奖的美术作品, 成千上万的学生发现并发展了神为他们计划的恩赐. We would love to help your children find theirs.


我们相信基督教教育是关于帮助每个学生通过圣经的镜头看到所有的生活. To that end, we point to Christ in every subject and through every relationship. 无论是通过学术, 体育或美术, biblical teaching is at the heart of everything we do.


  • 在小学, 学生开始明白上帝创造了世界,并对他们和他们的关系有一个计划. 神对我们生命的好消息和救赎的伟大故事的真理渗透在我们所做的每一件事中. 
  • 在中学, students come understand the biblical view of knowledge and truth. 他们被指向他们在基督里的身份,以及爱神和爱人的呼召. 
  • 高中时, students prepare for the lifetime of kingdom impact that God has planned for them. 他们获得了圣经的道德观, 全球合作, 以及基于基督模式的领导.


  1. To apply God’s truth in our daily lives is our ultimate goal. It is our desire to learn God’s truth and be transformed by it on a daily basis. 我们知道,只有当我们每时每刻应用他的真理,并被他的圣灵赋予能力时,这一切才会发生. 詹姆斯一22
  2. 为他人服务是我们每天都要做的选择. Jesus modeled and commanded that we serve one another. As we serve others, we not only minister to them, but our hearts grow as well. A heart willing to serve is a prerequisite for being a true servant leader. 歌罗西书3:23
  3. A passion for excellence will be evident in all we do. Jesus gave His best for us; our lives will be gifts back to Him. We will demonstrate a passion for excellence in our relationship with Christ, 在我们彼此的关系中, 在学者, 在田径, 在艺术领域, 我们的职业道德, 在我们生活的方方面面. 马修20:26
  4. We will embrace diversity and value every student. 我们都是按照上帝的形象创造的. 当我们从与我们不同的人身上学习和爱他们时,我们可以成长和发展我们的全部潜力. 加拉太书3:28
  5. 我们将建立一个充满爱和优雅的社区. As recipients of God’s grace, we will show grace to others. This will manifest itself in countless ways; including kindness, 鼓励, 宽恕, and love for those we come in contact with every day. 约翰13:34-35

阅读我们的 信仰声明.


点击这里 寻找一系列AXIS基督教资源,帮助父母引导孩子的青少年时期.


It started with a simple prayer meeting in Shoney’s. 这段对话点燃了孩子们的心,因为他们要上一所从头到尾都尊崇上帝的学校.

1988年秋天的一个早晨, 三个绅士, 后来被称为我们的开国元勋, 在费耶特维尔的肖尼餐厅共进早餐, 乔治亚州, to pray and to share a dream of a Christian school. After that meeting, they continued to pray and share their dream with others. 他们发现,在南亚特兰大地区,上帝一直在许多人的心中移动——那些致力于祈祷和努力工作的父母的心中. 结果是, 几个月后, 1989年秋天, 地标学校向170名7-12年级的学生敞开了大门——通往一个由家长志愿者用爱心改造的仓库的大门.

When the school began to explore ways to expand, God graciously presented the opportunity for Landmark to buy the vacated 12.5-acre Campbell 高中 campus in Fairburn, 乔治亚州. 从1991年春天开始, 地标继续在费尔本社区发展到目前的71英亩,其中包括主要的校园建筑, 两个场馆, 两个健身房, 棒球和垒球的综合场地, 室内练习场, 以及摔跤练习空间. 1994年在主校区增加了一所小学,2004年在桃树城增加了一所小学卫星校区,这使得地标学校的入学率在2019年达到了1059人的History最高水平. 2020年,Landmark在Fairburn校园为一所新的最先进的高中破土动工. 上帝继续祝福地标今天,我们庆祝超过三十年的准备学生为耶稣基督影响世界.




贾斯汀•米勒 is the Co-Founder and CEO of CARE for AIDS, a nonprofit serving families affected by HIV/AIDS in East Africa. 贾斯汀是Landmark(2005届)的校友. Justin and his wife, Lindsay, have a daughter, Addie, and two sons, Finn and Logan.



Kirsten and her husband Benjamin Watson are the proud parents of 7 kids. 柯尔斯顿曾在非营利组织工作,后来随丈夫的NFL职业生涯搬到全国各地. 柯尔斯滕也是《英雄联盟外围下注》的执行主编,也是《LOL外围下注》一书的作者.

Eric Worrell


Eric and his wife, Annie, are the proud parents of Lucy, Isaac, and Jack. Eric是Wells Fargo Advisors的Worrell财富管理集团的高级副总裁-投资官. He brings 12 years of financial and strategic planning experience to the board. Eric is a proud Landmark War Eagle (Class of 2004).



James and his wife, Michele, are the parents of Donovan, Evan, and Lauryn. 詹姆斯是全球管理和技术咨询公司ThoughtWorks的顾问主管. He also serves on the school's Development Council.



Bruce is the Founder and CEO of City of Refuge, Inc., 一个非营利性组织,致力于为无家可归者以及性交易和性剥削的幸存者提供恢复性服务. Bruce and his wife, Rhonda, are parents of 5 daughters, all graduates of Landmark.



希瑟MacHarg是一位教育倡导者,也是四个Landmark学生的骄傲母亲. Heather’s early career was with Chick-fil-A Corporate, managing Operational 支持 to restaurants nationwide. 希瑟和她的丈夫斯基普是康纳、艾米丽、莫莉和哈德森的父母.



米歇尔McAteer是一名营销顾问,为董事会带来了营销领域的人才, 沟通与筹资. 米歇尔目前在财务委员会任职,并正在帮助制定里程碑战略营销计划. Michelle and her husband Bob are the parents of Xander,and Julianne.



亚伦科 is the Founder and CEO of Future City Now. Aaron leads a team of problem solvers who specialize in organizational strategies, 市场营销, 捐助者的发展和执行. 有Ph值.D. 应用神学, 亚伦对使命充满热情,并为人们与世界互动创造了一种方式. Aaron and his wife, Carmen, live in Atlanta, GA with their four children.



凯莉白 is an Auburn graduate in Psychology. She and her husband John are parents to Reese, Wheeler, Maran, and Levi. 凯莉在过去的7年里一直志愿从事慈善事业,担任CARE for AIDS的大使和董事会成员. She also serves in various council and committee roles for their family business..



Lukas and his wife, Angel, are the proud parents of Luke and Parker. 卢卡斯在维克森林大学获得本科学位,在西北大学获得MBA学位. He currently leads a team of Financial Consultants at Chick-fil-A. 他还自愿担任地标中学棒球和篮球教练.


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